Baby #2: The Third Trimester

Baby #2: The Third Trimester

My third trimester came and went so fast, It’s hard to believe I was pregnant a few weeks ago. I had a little more nausea, tiredness and physical discomfort than the first two trimesters, but overall it was a good third trimester. While I was 

Baby #2: The Second Trimester

Baby #2: The Second Trimester

The second trimester has come and gone and it was the best one yet! I had a ton of energy during the day, and my nausea is gone! Yoga and running feel great still. I have to modify some yoga poses because of the pregnancy. 

Baby's First Trimester

Baby's First Trimester

Hooray, to the first trimester being completed! As most Mom’s would agree, the first trimester has a lot of physical effects to our bodies. I was nauseous all the time, but never threw up. It was hard to find anything appetizing even though I was 

Week 39: Labor & Delivery

Welcome Dillon Claire Dean! I made it to week 39 and 3 days, before going into labor. That last week was so uncomfortable physically, and tiring mentally. Trying to clean, prepare and stay mentally focused while waiting anxiously to meet our baby girl. I wondered 

Week 37 & 38: Full Term

These last final weeks of my pregnancy have been the most physically uncomfortable. I have had heartburn. I have trouble sitting for long periods without her feeling like she is shoved up in my ribs. I feel slower, heavier, have trouble putting my shoes or 

Week 35 & 36: Moving into Full Term.

The closer it gets to my due date, the more quickly my body goes through changes. Some are small, like not being able to cross my legs, and others are more extreme to where I know I won’t be able to do it again until 

Week 33 & 34: Keep Moving Forward

With all my life changes with my pregnancy and family growing, so has my company. Happy Food Catering and Happie Yoga has gotten so busy that I am going to be expanding in 2016. The details are still being worked out, but I am so 

Week 31 & 32: Food Cravings, Yoga Moves, Thanksgiving and Doctor Shaming

My new craving is peas and jalapenos. I think it makes total sense as a pairing and tastes delicious, but others are not so appeased by the pairing. I have been eating a ton of oranges too. I have been craving sweeter treats in the 

Week 29 & 30: Baby Showers, Running & Holiday Events

These two weeks have been a growing experience for me physically and mentally. My tummy has gotten to the size where I can have my arms resting on it comfortably. It’s a comforting feeling to just wrap my arms around my belly and talk to 

Week 27 & 28: Halloween and Traveling

These two weeks were full of holiday fun with Halloween and getting to travel home to California to visit with family and friends. Halloween is a time where I like to think outside the box and I have always thought that funny costumes are much